your SEO

Keywords: the crucial issue of your SEO


In a previous article , we discussed the importance of SEO to improve your website’s SEO. We have therefore decided to dwell on the keywords for a moment to better explain to you why they are so important: they are the basis of any search on the different browsers by a user. Thanks to relevant keywords, you will be likely to appear in search results on certain subjects rather than others and to be visible in a more favorable position than that of your competition.

The importance of addressing this topic is that keywords are nothing more than what users type into their browser to perform their searches. It is therefore essential to think carefully about where you want to appear. Indeed, a well-chosen keyword will not only bring you more visibility in terms of SEO, but it will also allow you to target the audience you want to reach to generate more conversions.

 In this article, we will explain what a keyword is and introduce you to the different types that exist. Next, we’ll show you how to choose the right keywords. There are some steps to follow that will help you make the choice that’s right for you. Are you ready to discover all this?

1. What is a keyword?

This is a word or phrase that Internet users are likely to type in their search bar to search for information. It is not essential that the keyword be spelled perfectly and without errors, because the programmers foresee possible spelling errors on the part of the user who launches the search. Indeed, depending on your keyword and the variations you are considering, you will find yourself facing different typologies called match types . These simply correspond to the types of results that will be displayed according to the terms used in the search:

If you choose the Broad Match , Google will not only display you among the results of the keyword you would have chosen, but also on the latter with spelling errors, on possible synonyms and on other words which belong to the same domain;

If you choose the Broad Modifier Match , you will be present in the search results if the user types one of your keywords, even if the latter writes it with spelling errors. You will also be visible on other words that belong to the same domain.

If you choose Phrase Match , your content will appear in search results when the user types the keyword as such and also when inserting it into a sentence.

If you choose Exact Match , you will be visible in the results only on the keyword as such.

If you choose the Negative Match , you will indicate on which keywords you do not want to be eligible.

2. How to choose the right keyword?

Now let’s move on to the very first step: choosing the best keywords for an optimal SEO strategy. When deciding which keywords you want to use, you need to make a list of the keywords and phrases that best relate to your business. Through this list, you will have a global vision of all the words that can refer to it and, thanks to this, you will be able to make sure to choose the most relevant ones. You should not underestimate them, they will be very useful to you because they represent the link between the research carried out by the Internet user and the content that you offer.

Since keywords make the success of your positioning on search engines, they must have very specific characteristics: they must reflect the content of your website so that they are consistent, otherwise they do not do their job. ; they need to generate as much traffic as possible so choose words or phrases that are in common use, but not overused otherwise you will get the opposite effect. To make the right choice, the advice we give you is to start by brainstorming all the keywords on which you want to appear. Then you have to choose the best ones from this list. For this, you can help yourself with the tools below:

Google Keyword Planner , a service provided by GoogleAds, which allows you to compare the notoriety of different keywords.

io , a free software, which gives you suggestions from Google, Youtube, Amazon and is categorized by country;

Ubersuggest , created by Neil Patel, a very well-known marketer, which allows you to choose phrases that contain your keyword;

SEMRush is a tool that gives you keyword ideas and a forecast of search volume for those keywords.

3. Keywords and SEO optimization

When you want to improve your natural referencing, the first element to optimize is the URL of the site and each page that composes it. You should know that here keywords play a vital role. Indeed, adding them to the URL of a page makes it unique and makes it easier for Internet users to find content. Keywords will also help you optimize your content . Indeed, if your pages contain the keywords included in the URL of these, Internet users will be much more interested in consulting it because they will find a match with their search. You must therefore insert them into your pages, but without overdoing it, otherwise you risk being penalized by Google robots and keeping visitors away, thus reducing traffic to your website.

All you need to do is find a keyword or phrase that perfectly summarizes the information the user is looking for. You can then proceed to optimize the titles and descriptions. Let’s start with titles as in the case of newspaper articles, they are the ones who have the responsibility of attracting the attention of the reader. They also determine your placement in search results: if they contain keywords, you will be even more successful. As for the descriptions, which correspond to the preview of your content, they must be eye-catching. Their role does not have the same importance as titles, but they can improve the click-through rate.

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